Ms McCarthy's Blog

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Tuesday 15 December 2009

Poetry Term Definitions

Here are the poetry terms with their definitions for you to revise.

A simile describes something by comparing it with something else using AS or LIKE.

Rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words.

A metaphor describes something by saying it IS or WAS something else.

Imagery means a word or phrase to stimulate your memory of your five senses (hearing, taste, touch, smell, sight).

A caesura is a pause in the middle of a verse created by punctuation.

Viewpoint is the point of view of the speaker.

Tone means the attitude of the writer as revealed in the choice of vocabulary.

Alliteration means using two or more words/ sounds in a sentence which start with the same consonant letter.

Assonance means using two or more words/ sounds in a sentence which start with the same vowel.

Plosive alliteration means a consonant sound which sounds explosive.

Sibilant alliteration is a hissing sound like that of (s) or (sh).

Enjambment means when one line ends without a pause and continues into the next line for its meaning.

A couplet is a pair of lines of verse which rhyme or have the same meter.

Onomatopoeia means a type of word that sounds like the thing it is describing

Rhythm means the pattern of regular or irregular beats.

Repetition means a word which is repeated within a poetical line.

Personification means describing a thing or object by giving it human-like qualities.

To help you with your revision play the poetry term game - you will find the link for this by in the Blog archive (right hand column of Blog) and follow the link.

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